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Read also : Best places for domestic tourism in Saudi Arabia (Book local flights)

Booking at

Print your boarding pass

! Now, you can design your ticket the way that suits you
We do not want to affect your budget, so you can choose the right price for you, and then make the purchase directly

Do you need to add an accompanying bag with you or will you travel without something? You can only pay for the shipping of the bags you will take
Plan ahead of time, arrange your baggage smartly and pay less on luggage.
Pay only for your meals. You can prepay when you book. You will get a special offer for your selection.
If you want a hot meal on board, we are happy to meet your request

: Issuance of boarding pass via the Internet

If you are traveling from Saudi Arabia or Dubai, you can issue a boarding pass for your flight online before the flight before departure. Simply issue it, enter your booking code and choose the following: your email, phone number, or last name. You can also choose a seat at the same time

The booking method is simple and easy
Prefer a paper copy of the boarding pass? You can issue them at the airport
It is recommended to arrive at the airport three hours before the flight departure. The check-in counter closes 60 minutes before departure.
Be sure to check in on time!
We do not want our guests to miss their flights, so please arrive at the airport and the boarding gate in time.

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